Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Nooks and crannies.

Morning to those who are awake at this hour.
I hate mornings to be honest, a view that seems sacrilegious to mal, who is about the only girl i've ever known who enjoys being up with more time than just enough to get out the door before being late.
she's twisted.
so, heres to the past weekend that i had, filled with driving adventures, mapquested directions, concert venues that smelled of illicit substances, food, and the best assortment of friends.
mal and i decided we needed a night of money spending shopping fun, and the socks were one of the little things i decided to bring home.
just a few pics, here and there. enjoy.

1. mustache sporting.
2. worm eating.
3. sketchy venue visiting.
4. fingernail painting.
5. arrowhead wearing.
6. 1940's reminiscing. 
7. pillow adding.
8. popcorn preparing.
9. addiction indulging. 

it seems like the majority of my weekend related to food. oh well.
thanks for reading and have a lovely week. mine will be filled with papers and projects and excessive amounts of homework. can't wait. 
-the minds of mal.lys. 

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